2629 June 2006
UNAM, Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras
Aula Magna y Salon de Actos
Mexico City, Mexico |
Symposium Heracliteum Secondum:
The Philosophy of Heraclitus.
New approaches to the Obscure of Ephesus, Textual and interpretive problems;
25 years of Heraclitean studies. |
Enrique Hülsz
Mantas Adomenas—
"The Reception of Heraclitus before Plato"
Omar Álvarez—
"La ‘teoría del flujo’ de Heráclito a Epicarmo"
Gabor Betegh—
"On Heraclitus B45"
Alberto Bernabé—
"Expresiones polares en Heráclito
y en los textos órficos"
Francesc Casadesús—
"La transposición del lenguaje épico
en el pensamiento filosófico de Heráclito"
Sylvana Chrysakopoulou—
"Heracleitus and Xenophanes"
Aryeh Finkelberg—
"The cosmic cycle, a playing child,
and the rules of the game"
Daniel W. Graham—
"Knowledge and representation in a world of change"
Herbert Granger—
"Heraclitus B42: On Homer and Archilochus"
Arnold Hermann—
"Parmenides vs. Heraclitus?"
Carl Huffman—
"Heraclitus on Pythagoras’research"
Enrique Hülsz—
"Flujo y lógos.
La imagen de Heráclito en Cratilo y Teeteto"
Gustavo Luna—
"Las paradojas de la conciencia"
Antonio Marino—
"¿Qué es el logos? Meditación sobre Heráclito, Sócrates y Heidegger"
Serge Mouraviev—
"Le livre d'Héraclite 2500 ans après"
Catherine Osborne—
"If all things were to turn to smoke,
it’d be the nostrils would tell them apart"
Thomas M. Robinson—
"Trying to make sense of Heraclitean logos - again"
Livio Rossetti—
"Polymathia e unità del sapere in Eraclito"
David Sider—
"The fate of Heraclitus’s book after Theophrastus"