John M. Dillon, President IPS
Vishwa Adluri—
"Rational cosmology in the Philebus"
Sarah Ahbel-Rappe—
"Damascius on Philebus 11b4-c2: on the love of truth"
Frederik M. Arends—
"Political philosophy transformed into ethics –
On the Unity of the Philebus"
Hayden Ausland—
"On Plato’s Transitional Art in the Philebus"
Hugh Benson—
"The Finest Way: The Method of Collection
and Division at Philebus 16-18"
Marcelo D. Boeri—
"Epicurus the Platonist"
Antoni Bosch-Veciana—
"Escenografia platonica y contenido filosofico en el Filebo a traves del personaje Filebo"
Beatriz Bossi—
"How consistent is Plato with regard to the ‘unlimited’ character of pleasure in the Philebus?"
Francisco Bravo—
"El método de la división y la division de
los placeres en el Filebo"
Luc Brisson—
"La place et le role de l’intellect (nous) dans
la 'cosmologie' due Philebe (28c-31b)"
Álvaro Vallejo Campos—
"The ontology of false pleasure in the Phelibus"
Luis Carillo—
"The cause of what comes to be in the Philebus"
Amber Carpenter—
"Reason and Knowledge: Philebus 55c"
Giovanni Casertano—
"La veritá tra opinione spacere e conoscenza"
Benoit Castelnerac—
"Plaisirs esthetiques et beaute dans le Philebe: un essai de reconstruction du discours platonicien sur l’art"
Elisabeth Cattanei
"Arithmos nel Filebo di Platone"
John J. Cleary—
"Plato’s Philebus as a Gadamerian Conversation?"
Gabriele Cornelli—
"Una metafisica pitagorica nel Filebo?"
Ivana Costa—
"El itelecto es el rey del cielo y de la tierra"
Frans de Haas—
"Reinventing knowledge and research:
Aristotle’s response to Plato’s Philebus"
Sylvain Delcomminette—
"Gadamer et le Philebe: La Methode"
Irina Deretic
"Psyche as Biblion: Cognitive Dispositions and Pleasures
in Philebus 38e12-40c6"
Louis-Andre Dorion—
"L-autarcie et les criteres du bien (Philebe 20d et 67a)"
Dimitri El Murr—
"Aux portes du Bien: definition ou manifestations
du Bien en soi dans le Philebe 64c-65a)"
Mehmet M. Erginel—
"Does Plato change his mind about pleasure and pain?"
Michael Erler—
"Emotion und Tragödie im Philebus und im Phaidon"
Rafael Ferber—
"Semantischer Monismus und Pluralismus
des Guten in Philebos"
Franco Ferrari—
"La molteplicita buona delle Idee (Phil. 15b–17a)"
Hallvard J. Fossheim—
"Dialectic and the Philebus"
Dorothea Frede—
"Plato’s Philebus on Happiness and its Limitations"
Francesco Fronterotta—
"Nature and structure of the cause in Philebus 26e-27a"
Marc-Antoine Gavray—
"La plaisir comique: Philebe, 47d5-50e2"
Llyod P. Gerson—
"Beauty, Symmetry, and Truth in Plato’s Philebus"
Christopher Gill—
"Dialogue Form and Dialectical Content in Plato’s Philebus"
Mary-Louise Gill—
"The Divine Method in the Philebus"
Francisco J. Gonzalez—
"Plato’s Dialectical Ethics: or Taking Gadamer at his Word"
Edward C. Halper—
"The Philebus’ two methods"
Verity Harte—
"The Life of Protarchus’ Choosing (Philebus 20b-22c)"
George Harvey—
"Dialectic and the Philosophical Arts in Plato’s Philebus"
Gottfried Heinemann—
"Nature and Exactness"
Christoph Helmig—
"The Scribe and the Painter in the Philebus"
Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
"Gegenemene ousia"
David Hitchcock—
"The Good in Plato’s Philebus"
David P. Hunt—
"The 'Trivial Problem' in the Philebus"
Charles H. Kahn—
"Dialectic, cosmology and ontology in the Philebus"
Vassilis Karasmanis
"Apeiron and Incommensurability in Plato’s Philebus"
Richard King—
"Memory and Recollection in the Philebus"
Annie Larivée—
"Choosing One’s Life. The Philebus, a protreptic?"
Salvatore Lavecchia—
"Plato’s concept of Sophia in the light of the Philebus"
Aikaterini Lefka—
"La 'vie mixte' du Philebe: une concession pragmatique
de Platon au plaisir?"
Francisco Leonardo Lisi—
"Ley, placer e intelecto en el Filebo"
Hâvard Løkke—
"True and False Pleasures and Pains in the Philebus"
Angela Longo—
"Il metodo di division nel commento di Damascio
al Filebo di Platone"
Menahem Luz—
"Antisthenes and the Philebus"
Arnaud Macé—
"L’eidos-structure dans le Philebe, fondement
de la science de la nature"
Graciela Marcos de Pinotti—
"Phantasia y logos en el Filebo"
Andrew Mason—
"Plato’s God in the Philebus"
M.M. McCabe—
"Banana skins and custard pies:
Plato on comedy and self-knowledge"
Mark McPherran—
"Medicine and love in Plato’s Philebus"
Maria Menchelli—
"Talking to the text: marginalia to Philebus
in Greek manuscripts"
Walter Mesch—
"Falsche Lust als grundlose Hoffnung:
Gadamer’s Philebos-Interpretation und die neuere Forschung"
Maurizio Migliori—
"L’unitá del Filebo: dalla dottrina dei Principi alla vita buona felice"
Josep Monserrat-Molas—
"Formalidad y Dialectica en la construcción del Filebo Dialogues"
Julius Moravscsik—
"Ontological Structures in the Philebus"
Jessica Moss—
"Pictures and Passions in the Philebus"
Tomasz Mróz
"Philebus Interpreted by Paul Natorp and Wincenty Lutoslawski"
Linda Napolitano—
"Self-knowledge and self-ignorance starting from the Philebus" (19c1-3; 48a8-50b8)
Michel Narcy—
"Socrate à l’école de l’Étranger d’Élée"
Noburu Notomi—
"Dialectic for Dialogue: The Questions Asked in the Philebus"
Brendan O’Byrne—
"Thematic Parallels in the Philebus and Timaeus:
the Reply to Calliclean Pleonecticism"
Suzanne Obdrzalek—
"Fleeing the Divine: Plato’s rejection of the Ahedonic Ideal
in the Philebus"
Satoshi Ogihara—
"The Contrast between Soul and Body in the Analysis of Pleasure in the Philebus"
Nicole Ooms—
"El argumento cosmologico de Filebo 28a-30c"
Erik Ostenfeld—
"The Psychology of the Philebus"
Maria Teresa Padilla—
"La dialectica en el Filebo"
Richard D. Parry—
"False Pleasures in Philebus and Republic IX"
Richard Patterson—
"The Philebus and the Unity of the Platonic Method"
Jean-François Pradeau—
"La fabrication de l’âme bonne et le mélange final du Philébe"
Olivier Renaut—
"À quoi sert de classer les émotions (47d-50e)"
Naomi Reshotko—
"Restoring Coherence to the God’s Gift to Men:
Philebus 16c9-18b7 and 23e-27b8"
Jason Rheins—
"The Cause of the Mixture in the Philebus"
Cristina Rossitto—
"Opposite and Intermediate Terms in Plato’s Philebus"
Serafina Rotondaro—
"Il Filebo di Platone, ovvero l’abile difesa di una supremazia"
Florencia Sal—
"Dialéctica en el Filebo. ¿Propuesta de un método de investigación o estructura de la realidad?"
Maria Isabel Santa Cruz—
"Cantidad determinada y justa medida en Filebo"
Samuel Scolnicov—
"The Wonder of One and Many"
Richard Stalley—
"The Philebus and the Art of Persuasion"
Jan Szaif—
"Analysis of Mistaken Pleasures in the Philebus"
Thomas A. Szlezak—
"Gadamer und die Idee des Guten im Philebus"
Harold Tarrant—
"A taste of the doctrines of each group of sages"
Fulcran Teisserenc—
"Causality and Cosmology"
Christine J. Thomas—
"Collection, division, and unity in Plato’s Philebus"
Franco Trabattoni—
"Dialettica, ontologia ed etica nel Filebo"
Mauro Tulli—
"La 'debole ignoranza': Il comico dale scene di Aristofane
al dialogo di Platone"
Tom Tuozzo—
"Reflective and Divine Pleasures in Plato’s Philebus"
Katja Vogt—
"Why Pleasure Gains Fifth Rank"
Anne-Gabrielle Wersinger—
"L’apeiron et les relatifs dans le Philebe"
David Wolfsdorf—
"Plato on the Ontological Truth of Pleasure"
Martha K. Woodruff—
"The Self-Enacting Methods of the Philebus"
Moon-Heum Yang—
"Arithmetical Numbers & Eidetic Numbers"
Mostafa Younesie—
"Relation of Soul-ignorance and Tragi-comedy:
Philebus 48d-50b"
Jure Zovko—
"A Dialectical Method in the Philebus"